Anjali Monteiro & K.P. Jayasankar

Unheard Voices

Year: 2006 Language: Hindi and Marathi Subtitles: English Duration: 30 mins

Drawing on the testimonies of individuals who have been infected nosocomially with HIV/AIDS, the film aims to sensitise various groups to the risks involved in transmission of HIV through blood exposures, in the Indian context. This risk has been systematically underestimated. The film critically examines various unsafe health care and cosmetic practices. It questions the low perception of risks associated with unsafe blood exposures, among health care professionals and others, which is due to the misinformation about survival of the HIV virus outside the human body. There is also misinformation about the importance of the sexual route, based on unreliable data, myths about sexual transmission and morality. But the fact is that we do not know how much HIV is being spread through sex and how much through blood. Given this scenario, the film also attempts to create awareness about safe practices.